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Unmasking Ouija Board Perils: An Exorcist Reveals Catholic Church Guidance on Spirit Communication



Communicating with the dead is a hot topic, especially during Halloween.

The New York Post recently published an article explaining how to “safely” use a Ouija board to communicate with the dead. But this is a deadly and dangerous sin!

ChurchPOP reached out to Father Dan Rihil, an exorcist from the Diocese of Nashville who teaches mediumship, psychics, Ouiya boards, occult experiences and more. He explained why it’s “not healthy for your soul.”

“When you try to connect with a loved one who has died, you don’t really connect. “Usually you are in contact with the devil, and the devil seems to be someone you love,” says Father Rihil.

He explains that sometimes God allows souls in purgatory to “walk the earth and seek prayers to reach their heavenly goal.” But “very cool, but rare.”

Father Richil explains that the devil is very clever and a “great deceiver”. He says it’s great to watch, listen and “mimic”.

“When you think you’re talking to your dead grandmother, you’re actually speaking to a demon, and then you’re inviting them in through that dialogue. Then, they attach to you and give you all sorts of problems. Please don’t try to contact the dead.”

The Catholic Church teaches how to communicate with the dead
“God tells us in the Bible that trying to communicate with the dead is an insult to Him,” Father Ryhill said.

“The Law of the Old Testament. 18 has the following:

‘Let no one be found among you who practice divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist who consults the dead. Anyone, who does these things is detestable to the Lord.’

Father Richill then advises the faithful to turn to the Holy Spirit for information. He said this is a wonderful time to draw closer to the Lord, especially as Christmas approaches.

He quotes John 14:26 and says:

“The Council of the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I’ve said to you.”

“Get close to God, particularly during this time of year when there’s a lot of demon activity happening,” Father Reehil advises. “Love him. Obey Him worship Him.”

“Have a wonderful Solemnity of All Saints when we honor those who have gone before us and a crown with the victory of Heaven. God bless you.”
