Barry Newman, renowned for his role in The Vanishing Point and a career spanning across film, television, and stage, passed away on May 11 in New York City. His death was confirmed by his wife, Angela, who shared a heartfelt tribute to the late actor. According to numerous sources, including Deadline, Newman’s passing was confirmed by close friends on social media.
A Pillar for Many
Angela, reflecting on her late husband’s life, described Barry Newman as “a rock for so many people, whose spirit he lifted and allowed to be free.” She went on to say that his “amazing, funny sense of humor” brought light to everyone around him. Newman’s enduring positive influence on others was evident to those who knew him personally. He was a constant source of support and joy for those in his life, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and warmth that will continue to resonate with those who had the privilege of knowing him.
A Storied Career
Newman, born in Boston, initially pursued studies at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, where he discovered his passion for acting after meeting the legendary Lee Strasberg. He made the bold decision to relocate to New York City, where he honed his craft through acting classes. This decision laid the foundation for a distinguished career that saw him take on prominent roles in both television and film.
His most famous role came in 1971 with the cult classic Vanishing Point, a film that didn’t initially garner much attention in the U.S. but gained significant recognition in London. Newman’s portrayal in the film became one of his most iconic, and as he recalled in an interview, the film’s reception in the UK was overwhelming—“people lined up around the block to see it.” This moment marked the beginning of his rise to fame.
The Versatility of Barry Newman
While Vanishing Point remains one of his best-known works, Newman’s career was far from limited to one role. He went on to showcase his versatility in a variety of other projects. In the 1970s and 1980s, he starred in Petrocelli, a popular judicial drama where he played the lead role. In the 1990s, he appeared alongside Sylvester Stallone in Daylight and in Bowfinger with Steve Martin. His ability to adapt to different genres allowed him to remain relevant throughout his career, bringing charm and depth to each new role.
However, in 2009, Newman was diagnosed with vocal cord cancer, which significantly impacted his ability to work. Despite this, he continued to make contributions to the film industry, with Finding Hannah (a 2022 film shot in 2019) being his last major project.
Legacy and Final Years
Barry Newman’s health struggles in his later years did not define his legacy; rather, it was his lasting impact as an actor and his remarkable personal qualities that will be remembered. His role in Vanishing Point is often cited as one of his most enduring contributions to film history. Although the film initially found limited success in the United States, it eventually became a cult favorite internationally, thanks in no small part to Newman’s unforgettable performance.
Through his work, Newman touched many lives, and his contribution to the entertainment industry remains significant. His wife, Angela, summed up his life by stating that he “was truly a light for so many,” an epithet that encapsulates his impact both on and off the screen. Despite his passing, Barry Newman’s influence continues to be felt by those who knew him and by his fans around the world.