Kirsten Bosly, a woman from Perth, Australia, became a global figure after sharing her personal experience with body shaming. During a family trip to the beach, she realized how much her negative perceptions of her body had affected her. Like many individuals, Kirsten, a plus-size woman, had long been uncomfortable with her body, especially when wearing a swimsuit. She had spent years avoiding situations that would require her to expose her skin, often covering herself with layers of clothing.
A Moment of Clarity

On that day at the beach, however, everything changed for Kirsten. As she stood there with her children and husband, she experienced a moment of self-realization. The weight of years of body dissatisfaction began to lift, and she made an important decision to embrace her body as it is. It was a profound moment for her, as she let go of the long-held shame and self-criticism that had governed her life for so long.
“Today marks a new beginning for me.
For most of my life I have hated my body.
Despised it.
Loathed it.
Resented it.
Wanted so very much for it to change; for it to be smaller, thinner… less “fat”.
I’ve used it and abused it.
I’ve blamed it for a lot of things.
I’ve been terribly ashamed of its wobbles and dimples; like somehow they are the measure of who I am.”
Embracing Her Body and Letting Go

The turning point came when Kirsten reflected on a meme she had read, which stated, “Be in pictures with your kids because when you’re gone, the pictures will be all they have left.” This struck a nerve within her, leading her to challenge her long-held belief that her appearance should be hidden. In that moment, she decided to stop avoiding photographs, not letting her body insecurities dictate how she enjoyed life with her family.
Her post continued with an empowering declaration:
“Not any more!
Bugger that noise!
The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years.
So today I let go.
I let go of the hatred and resentment of this body of mine and chose to enjoy it for what it is; my body.”
Living in the Moment
Kirsten decided to let go of the need for any kind of cover-up or disguise. She made a conscious choice to embrace her body fully and enjoy the moment with her family. No longer would she hide behind board shorts, a towel, or modesty. She felt liberated, and this was reflected in her words when she asked her husband to take a photo of them together. The result? A joyful memory captured without any filters, free from the restraints of societal pressures.
“No cover up.
No board shorts.
No “modesty” towel.
No filters.
Just us.”
A Message of Freedom for Others
Kirsten’s story is not just about her personal breakthrough; it is a call to others to embrace their own bodies, imperfections included. As she shared with the Today Show, it was her own self-judgment that held her back from fully appreciating her body. The realization that others weren’t judging her as harshly as she had judged herself was freeing.
“I was standing on the beach, stressing out about it, and just had a moment of clarity when I realized the only person judging me in that moment was me,” she said. “Nobody was paying me any attention and the only thing stopping me from just letting go and embracing myself fully was a bag full of hang-ups that I had created and chosen to carry around.”
Kirsten now hopes her message can inspire others to stop hiding from their insecurities and start enjoying life as it is. It’s a powerful reminder that self-love is not just about physical appearance, but about embracing who we are and cherishing the moments we have with loved ones.