As a seasoned marketing consultant, I’ve flown countless times between New York and Los Angeles. These trips are usually uneventful, allowing me to go over my work and prepare for upcoming meetings. However, this particular flight was anything but routine. With a crucial meeting in San Diego on the horizon, I had carefully planned my schedule, including my connection. Choosing an aisle seat for a quick exit seemed like the perfect strategy to ensure a smooth transition from one flight to the next.
Once aboard, I found myself seated next to a man in his early 40s. He exuded an air of self-importance, barely acknowledging my presence. Dressed in a crisply ironed shirt and expensive shoes, he seemed preoccupied, glancing at his watch every few minutes. I dismissed him as nothing more than another traveler, eager for a quiet flight. Little did I know, he would turn my otherwise smooth journey into something far more frustrating.
The Incident Over Dinner

As the flight progressed, the attendants began serving dinner. I had skipped meals earlier to prepare for my meeting, and the aroma of the food only heightened my hunger. I eagerly anticipated the moment when I could finally eat, go over my notes, and relax.
However, fate had other plans. Midway through the meal service, nature called. Looking down the aisle, I saw that the food cart was still several rows away, giving me just enough time to slip into the restroom without missing my meal. But when I returned, I found my meal tray had disappeared. To my shock, the man beside me was leisurely enjoying what appeared to be my dinner.
“Did they bring my meal while I was gone?” I asked, hoping this was some mistake.
With a smug look on his face, he replied, “Oh, yeah. You were taking a while, so I figured you didn’t want it. Didn’t want it to go to waste.”
“Are you serious?” I asked, trying to contain my disbelief.
He simply shrugged and continued eating, telling me to grab something at the airport when we landed. It was a jaw-dropping moment. I couldn’t fathom his audacity. Although I had dealt with entitled people before, this was next-level behavior. I called the flight attendant for help, but unfortunately, the meal service had ended, and I was offered only a small bag of pretzels as a substitute.
A Lesson in Patience
As the flight continued, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated, but I reminded myself that my connection was important. I had to stay focused, even though my hunger gnawed at me. As Mr. Important reclined in his seat, blissfully unaware of how he had ruined my meal, I settled in with my pretzels, trying to focus on my work.
I glanced at the time, calculating how quickly I would need to move once we landed in Los Angeles. My meeting in San Diego was looming, and I couldn’t afford any more delays. In spite of everything, I kept my eyes on the prize, determined not to let this man derail my day.
The Unexpected Gate Change
As we descended into Los Angeles, the announcement about tight connections brought me back to the reality of my travel situation. I felt a surge of relief as we touched down, grabbing my bag and preparing to rush to my next gate. But then, an unexpected announcement came over the speaker: “Attention, passengers connecting to San Diego. There has been a last-minute gate change. You must proceed to Terminal 4, Gate 45, as quickly as possible.”
A gate change. I couldn’t believe it. Part of me wanted to wake up Mr. Important, who was still asleep, unaware of the chaos unfolding. After everything he’d done—eating my meal, ignoring my attempts to wake him—I considered leaving him behind. But as the cabin began to clear, I nudged him gently and whispered, “Hey, we’ve landed. You might want to wake up; there’s a gate change.”
He mumbled something incoherent and turned away, seemingly unaffected. I sighed and left him behind, knowing that the commotion of disembarking would likely wake him up eventually. I hurried off the plane and made my way to the new gate, relieved to finally be in the right place.
Karma Delivers
It wasn’t until I met up with my colleagues in San Diego that I heard about the events that followed my flight. One coworker, Lisa, mentioned a disoriented and angry man she had encountered at LAX. Her description immediately made me think of Mr. Important.
I couldn’t help but share my own story, saying, “Oh, that guy! He was sitting next to me. Can you believe he ate my meal while I was in the restroom and then fell asleep? I tried to wake him up, but he didn’t budge.”
Lisa’s eyes widened. “No way! That’s karma in action right there.”
I agreed wholeheartedly. While I was able to make it to my meeting on time, Mr. Important’s trip took a turn for the worse. He missed his connections and was left stranded in Los Angeles, likely regretting his entitled actions. Karma had certainly stepped in, serving him a well-deserved lesson.