In a heartbreaking turn of events, three-year-old Ryleigh Hillcoat-Bee tragically passed away on November 8, 2021, after being sent home from the hospital months earlier despite showing signs of a serious illness. Ryleigh’s death has since raised critical questions about the medical oversight she received, leading to widespread sorrow and concern.
A Missed Diagnosis
Ryleigh first fell ill while on vacation with her family in North Wales, prompting her parents to take her to the hospital. The medical team, however, overlooked warning signs in her blood that indicated a potentially fatal condition—rhabdomyolysis, a muscle problem that can lead to severe complications. Despite these signs, Ryleigh was discharged without receiving the necessary treatment or further investigation.
A Heartbreaking Turn
It wasn’t until three months later, when Ryleigh began to have difficulty breathing, that her parents, Caroline and Andrew, rushed her back to the hospital. Tragically, during this visit, Ryleigh suffered a heart attack and passed away at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. The inquest that followed revealed significant failures in Ryleigh’s care, including missed opportunities to act on advice from medical colleagues who had recommended consulting a neuromuscular expert for proper diagnosis and treatment.
A Family’s Devastation
Ryleigh’s parents are devastated and remain convinced that their daughter’s death could have been prevented. They expressed deep sorrow over the fact that her condition was not addressed more thoroughly during her initial hospital visit. Their grief is compounded by the belief that had Ryleigh been properly diagnosed and treated, she would still be alive today.
Seeking Accountability and Change
Following the tragedy, Chris Barben, President of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, offered condolences to Ryleigh’s family. He assured them that the Trust would fully consider the Coroner’s findings and take necessary actions to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
Honoring Ryleigh’s Memory
In an effort to raise awareness and support others, Caroline’s sister-in-law, Katie Hobbs, participated in the Royal Parks Half Marathon in 2022, raising funds for The Compassionate Friends, an organization that provided crucial emotional support to Ryleigh’s grieving parents. Katie described Ryleigh as a vibrant, joyful little girl with a smile that lit up every room she entered. Through the Compassionate Friends, Caroline and Andrew were able to connect with other families who understood their grief, finding solace in shared experiences.
A Call to Action
In memory of Ryleigh, this tragedy serves as a painful reminder of the importance of vigilant medical care and timely diagnoses. It is our hope that through increased awareness and systemic change, no other family will have to endure such a devastating loss due to missed opportunities for proper treatment.